Our Programs
Eagle Ray Monitoring
Spotted eagle rays are one of our most fascinating local residents, and are often spotted schooling during the winter months. So far, we are not sure why they visit, but Cozumel Ocean Research has been conducting monitoring efforts on the island for 5 years with the aim of finding out.
Megafauna Monitoring
The megafauna monitoring is intended to collect more information on the activity of Eagle Rays (A. narinari) and the relationship with the presence of the Great Hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran) during the SER season in Cozumel. The project will be a collaboration with the organization FINS.
Coral Reef Monitoring
In summer of 2018, the appearance of extremely aggressive “white plague” or Stony Coral Loss Tissue Disease (SCLTD), was first reported in our local dive sites. We are at a critical point, where current data for tracking the disease is imperative to develop new strategies for coral recovery.
Debris & Beach Cleanups
In our 5 day, 10 day and 4 week program we regularly conduct 'Dive Against Debris' dives on Cozumel's reefs. You'll learn to complete 'Dive Against Debris' surveys under the guidance of a PADI® Professional and learn how to keep local dive sites healthier by removing trash, reporting the debris you've removed to in order to maximize the survey's benefits.
Turtle Monitoring
In collaboration with the conservation program Tortuga Municipal and El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, we support activities focused on the preservation and study of populations of sea turtles that nest on Cozumel and inhabit the waters surrounding the island with trained volunteers. Quintana Roo’s beaches are considered prime nesting areas for Loggerhead and Green turtles.
Community Programs
Our immediate goals are to provide conferences, talks, and activities with local schools at all levels, to show them the beauty of this unique place they inhabit. Awareness of the interconnectedness of life on the reef and its fragility will make apparent the importance of conservation. An island is a living laboratory.
What We Do
We are a local nonprofit, our purpose is to promote the protection of the environment, the preservation and restoration of the ecological balance, and to advocate and raise consciousness in order to prevent and regulate the pollution of water, soil, and air in the community.
Our mission at CozumelOceanResearch is to nurture sustainable futures for marine and human families by inspiring passion for our oceans, empowering communities (both locals and visitors) with the knowledge to engage in the common stewardship of natural resources, and informing conservation policy through the collaborative scientific effort of accurate data collection and research.

Monitoring Projects
Eagle Rays
Coral Reef Projects
Debris Dives
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